Great Commission Higher Secondary School Event Calendar 2022 (Tentative)

Preparatory Classes for 10, 11 & 12               7th January onwards

Office Re-Opens                                               10th January

Admission                                                         11th – 31st January 2022

Books & Uniforms/ classroom                           24th – 27th January (Mon – Thurs)

Teachers Orientation                                       28th & 29th January (Fri & Sat)

Boarders’ Entry                                                  31st January by 4:00 pm (Monday)

School Re-Opens & Class begin                   1st February (Tuesday)

Parents Orientation                                         Will be further announced

HSLC, HSSLC & 11 Promotion                         March & April

11 Promotion Result                                        29th April

Re- Admission for Class 12                               2nd – 7th May

Class begins for Class 12                               9th May

1st Term Assessment for 7 & below                   21st April – 30th April, 7th May – Result

Cycle Tests 1 for Classes 8 – 10                                         “Same

Adm. Forms for Class 11                                  April/May

Class begins for Class 11                               May

Cycle Test 1 for Class 12                                   May 3rd Week

Mid Term for 8 – 10                                           13th – 18th June,  9th July – Result

2nd Term Assessment for 7 & below                   27th June – 2nd July, 9th July – Result

Cycle Test 1 for 11 & Cycle Test 2 for Class 12                       same

Summer Break                                                  10th July – 17th August

Boarders’ Entry                                                18th August      

School Re-Opens                                              19th August

Cycle Test 2 for Class 10                                September

Final Attention Sheet                                          September

Kids Market                                                      September

Date with Parents                                              September/October

Teachers Day                                                    5th September

Mid Term for Class 12                                      8th – 17th September,

Result: 23rdSept.                                              (after Lunch Break)

Phase 1 Final Exam for Class 8 & 9                              “same”

Listening & Speaking for 9, 10 & 12               October

New Students Forms & Entry Tests                   October

Sports                                                               18th – 21st October

School Foundation Day                                     25th October

Arts Festival                                                     October

Mid Term for Class 11                                        31st October – 8th November,

Result:                                                               11th November (after Lunch Break)

Selection for Class 12                                     31st October – 7th November,

Result:                                                              10th November

Screening Test for Class 10                               31st October – 7th November

Result:  10th November

Children’s Day                                                  14th November

3rd Term Assessment for 7 & below                   28th November – 5th December

Phase II & Final Exam for Class 8 & 9            2nd – 9th December

Cycle Test 2 for Class 11 &

Cycle Test 3 for Class 10 & 12                           December

Listening & Speaking for 11                            December

Result Declaration                                             15th December

Model Exam for Class 10, 11 & 12                  January/February 2023


New Year                                            1st January     

Republic Day                                      26th January

NUV Foundation Day                          8th February

Good Friday & Easter Break               14th – 18th April

Intercession Day                                 14th August

Independence Day                              15th August

Summer Break                                    10th July – 17th August

Teachers Break Day                           6th September

Gandhi Jayanti                                    2nd October

State Inauguration Day                       1st December                          

Winter Break                                       16th December

Christmas                                            25th December

P.S. This schedule shall be followed till further notice

Special Days to be Observed in 2022:

  1. Valentine’s Day: 14th Feb(Monday)           
  2. RAOK: 17th Feb (Thursday)
  3. International Women’s Day: 8th March(Tuesday)        
  4. World Water Day: 22nd March(Tuesday)

Health Emphasis month:                      April     

  1. World Health Day: 7th April (Thursday)
  2. Good Friday & Easter: 15th April (Good Friday) & 17th April (Easter)
  3. Earth Day:                                            22nd April(Friday)
  4. World Book Day: 23rd April (Saturday)

Local & Community History month:  May

  1. International Workers Day 1st May (Sunday)
  2. Mothers’ Day: 8th May (Sunday)
  3. World No Tobacco:                              31st May (Tuesday)
  4. World Day of Parents: 1st June (Wednesday)
  5. World Environment Day: 5th June (Sunday)
  6. Fathers’ Day: 19th June (Sunday)
  7. Music Week: 20th – 24th June (World Music day- 21st June)
  8. Friendship Day: 30th July (Saturday)

Teachers Emphasis Month                        September

  1. Teachers’ Day: 5th September (Sunday)
  2. Grandparents Day: 12th September (Sunday)
  3. Hindi Diwas week: 12th – 14th September
  4. World Heart Day 29th September (Thursday)
  5. World Mental Health Day: 10th October (Monday)
  6. Global Hand washing Day: 15th October (Saturday)
  7. School Foundation day: 25th October (Tuesday)

Children’s emphasis month:                     November

  1. National Education Day 11th November (Friday)
  2. World Kindness Day: 13th November (Sunday)
  3. Children’s Day: 14th November (Saturday)
  4. Constitution Day(11& 12): 2            6th November(Friday)

Christmas emphasis month:               December

  1. World Aids Day: 1st December (Wednesday)
  2. International Anti Corruption Day: 9th December (Friday)
  3. Christmas:               25th December(Sunday)              


11 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in School

1.       Attend Parent-Teacher Meets: Kids do better in school when parents are involved in their academic lives. If your child has special learning needs, additional meetings can be scheduled with teachers and other school staff

  1. Visit School, the whatsapp class pages Its website: Know the physical layout of the school building; its grounds, its offices, its halls for different activities, its library, teachers rooms, canteen area etc. It can help you connect with your child when you talk about the school day. On the school website, you can find information about: school, teachers & activities. Each Class teachers maintain their own class groups. Detail homework assignments, test dates, classroom & school events are notified.
  1. Support Homework Expectations: Home work reinforces and extends classroom learning and helps kids practice important study skills.
  1. Teach Organizational Skills: When kids are organized, they can stay

   focused instead of spending time hunting things down and getting sidetracked:

   It includes prioritizing, making and following time tables, organizing own tables

   and racks, teaching them to plan, tracking assignments and home works etc.

  1. Teach Study Skills: Study ahead of time, break down overall tasks into

 smaller, manageable chunks so preparing for a test isn’t overwhelming, teach

 tricks for easy learning, studying with breaks after every 45 minutes or so,

 talking to school counselor/ teacher if the child is too stressed.

  1. Know the Disciplinary Policies: Read the Green book & the School

  Calendar for this. Help school with its discipline policies.

  1. Get Involved: Please volunteer. Parents can get involved in the school by

       volunteering for different events, classes, trips, etc.

  1. Take Attendance Seriously: Take attendance and being on time seriously.
  1. Make Time to Talk About School and their day: Positive words about school

      and teachers from parents/guardian will enhance kids learning at school

  1. Send Your Child to School Ready to Learn: Let them eat and sleep

      and get ready to learn when they come tom school. These will boost your child’s

      attention span, concentration, and memory.

  1. Send your child with a prayer for the child, teachers and school